Eternal Summer: What to do with your gorgeous summer photos
December 18, 2019
It’s 2019, and you sure will be getting behind if you haven’t been into travelling at this point. Travels are what people usually do to explore new places, meet new people, have fun and of course — take a bunch of photos. With that, one thing to consider is to have a travel buddy that’s real good with taking photos, so look no further and check out some tips as to how you can have your best travel photos with Instax Mini LiPlay!
Decorate your wall with your instant prints – if you’re never satisfied with your wallpaper, now’s the perfect time to use your summer pics! All you need is a selection of your favorite shots, a marker, and some adhesives. If you want to jazz it up a little more, go for those super cool and dainty fairy lights!
Spruce up your study corner/office cubicle – whether you want some fitspo or just a healthy reminder to work harder for the next summer, displaying your photos on your everyday corner is a good way to motivate yourself. All you need to do is put captions on your photo prints and tack them on a corkboard.
Create your own photo diary– summer scrapbooks preserve memories in a unique and enduring way. Go “oldschool” and use your summer photos to create a photo diary—think of it as a real-life Instagram where you can show your family and friends some pretty great memories over the years.
Gift them – personalize your gifts by putting the best prints on your gift wraps. With a little creativity and some thoughtful captions, you can turn your gift into an instant memorabilia that could last for generations to come.
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